Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

My child just finished kindergarten with a program where the kids were dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. Oh, how deluded we are when we are young children. When I was around kindergarten age I think I wanted to be something like a soldier or an Air Force pilot. Later when I was a little bit older I was pretty sure I would be playing fullback for the Denver Broncos and my best friend Bob Hunsaker would be playing halfback in the same backfield.

The thing is that for most of us what we would like to be and what we can be are hardly ever aligned. After my pro football career was over, I was going to be the Democratic Senator from Colorado for two terms and then I was going to be President of the United States.

So if my plans had come to fruition, I would be having lunch right now in the Rose Garden of the White House. I wonder what Mitt Romney would think about going up against me in the fall? I know that I would have done more to de-Republicanize the House than Obama has done.

I think I’d create my own PAC called “Comedians for Progress” and send an army of them out with a videographer to follow members of congress around and make jokes about them. Admittedly, that would be like shooting fish in barrels. Well, come to think of it it’s probably pretty hard to shoot fish in barrels (You need to adjust for the way water can distort an image, hey like Republicans distort the truth. Nice tie in).

Anyway, back to deluded views of the world. I didn’t see any of the kids dressed in chinos, a short sleeve shirt and tie (customer service rep), not did I see any kids dressed in a Costco apron or a McDonalds hat. Also, thank goodness there were no bikini models or girls in the white coat not of a doctor, but of the annoying woman behind the fragrance counter that somehow is an authority figure because she has the nerve to dress like a doctor or scientist.

God bless those kids and may they have the dreams of the young for as long as possible and let’s pray that they all have their dreams come true.

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