Thursday, April 5, 2012


It seems I am king of the in appropriate comment on Facebook. I genuinely have a desire to make people laugh and that's why I sometimes (I mean almost always) push the envelope of decorum. I bet you didn't even know there was a decorum envelope. You can find it right behind the manila envelopes at Office Junction or what ever they are calling the office supply stores these days. Parenthetically, I never knew what a manila envelop was exactly. I think that is one of the big childhood mysteries (behind why Santa Clause can deliver presents to all the kids in the world (except Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh children) in one night. The thing is I never really knew what manila described. Was it a color? A category? I just didn't know. But if you think about it, your education was centered around these manila envelops, whether they contained your files, the class rosters, or just the money teachers collected for their end of school celebratory drinking, smoking (they wouldn't really, would they?) and relating party. Anyway, I am truly sorry if I make anybody uncomfortable with my comments. I'm just trying to make you laugh your ass off.

Now that I have apologized for being a jackass and making inappropriate comments, I want to go down the road of childhood misconceptions. One thing I never got was was the question "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?" The thing I didn't get was was Grant really buried there or was that the joke? Did somebody steal Grant's body? Perhaps an impostor is there. It was not until I grew up that I figured out it's another way to say duh! Another question from childhood was where is that special teacher from 7th grade? I know you teacher types (e.g. Beth, who probably won't even read this) like to think that we grow up and always want to find that special teacher who motivated and inspired us. Well, we do, especially when people are watching and listening to us, but we also want to know where is that alluring teacher that we had that serious crush on. I dangled that preposition on purpose, Ms. Roberson <3. The only other serious question from childhood that challenged me was who makes babies? Well, we all know the answer to that one, well I's former Denver Bronco running back Travis Henry, who to date has fathered eleven children.


I hope you enjoyed my blog.