Monday, February 22, 2016

Will The Big Tent Be Big Enough For Me?

I have had some moments of reflection on my political choices and the most memorable one was when I moved to Parker and I updated my driver's license and also registered to vote.  And some may be SHOCKED and appalled that I actually registered to vote as an Independent.  The reason I think had less to do with the fact that some Democrats had let me down in supporting foolhardy endeavors like the Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan and more to do with the fact that I think I was tired and I just wanted to be Switzerland for a while and not campaign for anybody and not put my heart on the line and not have it run over by the cheat'n machine (if you don't know who I'm talking about you don't know me or you are a naive fool).

So my neutrality lasted all of about six months as the 2004 primary rolled around (this was when Colorado ate at the big boy table for a while and actually had a primary) and I had a great plan to register Republican at the primary and vote against Pete Coors.  He was the man who most certainly had a can of his own product in his hand at any time he might be driving.  This is my version of the mud slinging dirty-pool playing mean guy.  Anyway, what happened when I went to vote in the Oct. 28, 2014 
Republican primary so I could vote against Peter Coors was that after dry heaving next to the voter registration, I collected myself and voted in the Democratic primary and after that six months or so in the wilderness, I am proud to say I have never strayed off the Democratic affiliation.

Then during the fall I did some volunteering for Mr.  Heinz pickle himself (remember how he threw his ribbons away and kept his medals?), John Kerry, and I had a fateful dream that Mr. Kerry won the election and we were going to be done with this national nightmare called George W. Bush.  Well, it didn't turn out like that, unless Quantum Leaper Sam Beckett ends up leaping to 2004, or better yet 2000, or if he's really going to un-
fuck us up, he should quantum leap to 1980.  Then he keeps the Reagan campaign from meddling in the hostage crisis, the hostages come home, people vote for Carter and Reagan ends up an answer to a trivia question about who was the actor who ran for president and lost.

Anyway, it's looking like the big tent party is really hosting a three ring circus and sometimes I think
New York Daily News
perhaps I should change my affiliation again and get in on the fun.  I think I could go in there and totally brain fuck all those Republicans and get them to vote for Kasich.  You say Kasich?  I don't know who that guy is.  He's not blustery and he's not braggadocios and he doesn't have a big Tea affiliation.  He actually actually the only grown up who hasn't donned the clown paint.

He is governor of Ohio (you remember that state that is must see TV for anybody who thinks he's going to be president), he was in congress and he was the chairman of the House Budget Committee (back when the radicals weren't in charge...oh.  You say he was a radical?  Oh, yeah he was one of the people who signed the contract on America.  Remember that one?  I think that's what Pat Schroeder called it (she was really hated by some Republicans in  her day).
(Nate Beeler)

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